River Road Bursary Fund

The Bursary Fund is designed to provide financial assistance to students who may lack the resources to cover tuition, materials, or other related expenses.

The River Road Bursary Fund is supported through:

  • A portion of ticket sales from our Remedy Sessions and other ticketed events

  • Donations from local businesses, charitable organizations, and families

  • Government grants

The bursary can be applied as a reduction in tuition fees or used to cover specific costs such as instruments, art supplies, or participation in special programs. By offering this support, the Bursary Fund ensures that all people have access to high-quality music and arts education, fostering inclusivity and nurturing the next generation of artists and musicians.

Apply for Bursary Support

Where are we at?

The River Road Bursary Fund is brand new, only just started this August 2024, with our first event to being topping up this fund happing 30th August - see here for upcoming live events - https://riverroad.edu.au/remedysessions